Are You Ready To Reset Your Metabolism? Wichita Health and Hormone Clinic

Are You Ready to

Reset Your Metabolism?

Let’s work together to create a strategy that leads to more energy, healthy weight loss, and even more confidence.

Let me guess…”You’ve tried EVERYTHING”

We hear this all the time…here’s PROOF!

As a functional medicine practitioner helping clients overcome their chronic dis-ease, Francine felt that she had to both live and look the part.

Due to the stress of running a busy practice and supporting her family, Francine had a hard time keeping to a consistent exercise schedule, getting enough sleep, and faced yo-yoing blood sugar levels.

She had tried everything to get the weight off but struggled with sticking to an exercise program, complicated supplement protocols, and constantly trying to figure out what to eat.

Sound familiar?

After only a few days on the new protocol, the weight literally started to melt off, her sleep improved, and her energy went through the roof – so much so that Francine decided to offer the Metabolic Reset Program to all her clients.

Sarah Clawson, WHNP-BC

Introducing… The Metabolic Reset Program

A Personalized Metabolic Optimization Strategy

Watch This Video To Learn More About Our Proprietary Process

Metabolic Reset Results

“What’s Included In My Program?”

The Metabolic Reset Program has been carefully curated to provide the most proven strategies. For the last 7 years, we’ve continued to refine our process and are proud to present the most comprehensive program available anywhere.

Your program includes:

The 10-Week Metabolic Reset Program is ONLY $2999

We are an accredited provider for the Weight Loss Grants Program, so you could be eligible
to receive an 80% reimbursement of the Metabolic Reset Program cost.
Click the button below to learn more during your complimentary phone consult.

Partner With Our Team At Wichita Health and Hormone Clinic​​

A Simple & Easy-To-Follow Program

Unlike other programs you may have tried before, our Essentials Program focuses on working with your body, instead of against it.

That’s why we provide you with all the support for longterm success – from approved foods lists with simple, easy, and delicious recipes to training materials on how to address your health challenges and mindset blocks that you might run into.

Master Key Skills For Life

The Essentials Program focuses on lifestyle changes that are easy to maintain longterm – so you can finally say goodbye to your chronic health issues.

You’ll discover & build health skills that will benefit you (and your family) for life… whether you’re at work, at home or out and about. Our goal is to help you make smarter health decisions, and instill an “independently healthy” mindset.

Holistic Support For Body + Mind

Health can be a complicated puzzle, and your puzzle is unique to you. That’s why during the intake process, our team reviews your health history to identify the likely root cause of what has created your wellness challenges in the first place.

By addressing hormone and digestive imbalances with specific supplements, we relieve the stress on your adrenals & thyroid that could slow down your health recovery.

Our overarching goal is to craft a personalized, holistic health strategy for you.

Community & Support

Community is one of the most important determinants for sustained health – and yet people lack the support from the people around them when they need it most… specifically when they go about changing their habits.

That’s why with the Essentials Program, you’ll get both the individual attention from our team as well as benefit from the wisdom of our community – so that you get the needed support from heart-centered people who are on the same journey as you.

Debunking Common Functional Medicine Myths​

Myth # 1 – I’ve tried “everything”

This is a phrase that we hear over and over on our discovery calls. Many patients feel like they’ve done everything that they can to get better. However, within a few short minutes it becomes clear that there are many stones still unturned. When a person submits to the thought of having “tried everything” they subconsciously submit to the idea that nothing more can be done. This is far from the truth.

Myth # 2 – I don’t have time

Yes, you can’t make more time… but you can choose how to spend your time. When you’re not at optimal health, you’re missing out on so much in life… from your work productivity, your social life, to your happiness. Imagine all the time wasted struggling with your health condition, unable to persue the things you love most! Or consider all the time wasted managing chronic dis-ease without ever resolving the underlying issue. That’s why I believe that establishing optimal health is one of the cornerstones for a life at optimal. So to make this program as convenient as possible, we provide several options to schedule your intake (from in-person to telemedicine consult via video) – along with instructional videos for the Metabolic Reset Program.

Myth # 3 – I can figure this out on my own

If information alone were enough, then Dr. Google would have already healed you, right? Frankly, we live in a world with an overabundance of information, often conflicting with each other – that’s why we provide something far more valuable… clinical insights on what your specific situation requires. As integrative medicine practitioners, our team has the expertise to get to the root cause of what ails you, and then craft a custom-tailored strategy to address your wellness challenges and help you reach your health goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless where you reside, we can work together in person or via teleconference (video or phone).
Many factors impact how soon you’ll reach your desired health goals – including your current health situation, how far you’ve got to go, and how committed you are during the process. Please realize that there’s no magic pill that can instantly reverse the effects of years of neglected health. At the same time, resolution of your health issues can be so much faster when you have the right guide by your side. Let me be your guide! As part of the program, we’ll craft a custom-tailored strategy to address your unique wellness challenges and help you reach your health goals.
The overall program duration is anywhere from 3-6 months, followed by the appropriate maintenance support thereafter. Throughout the entire journey, you’ll have ongoing support through our private Facebook community, group coaching calls, and direct access to me and my team. And for those of you that want ongoing support and coaching after the completion of the program, we provide affordable options.

To discover whether the Essentials Program is right for you, schedule a free 20-minute discovery consult. During the call, we’ll review your questions, and if it’s the right fit we’ll get you enrolled so you can get started on your health journey.

Are You Ready To Lead A More Vibrant Life?

Sarah Clawson, WHNP-BC
– Founder

Our team at Wichita Health and Hormone Clinic strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals. When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!
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